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Generate AI Images Blazing Fast using SDXL Turbo and Fooocus
See the guide on our sit here
Fooocus Styles Catalogue Reference
A list of every single Fooocus style tested alone without others combined. You can press Ctrl + F...
Use __shapes__ in your prompt to use this wildcard. You can download the txt file attached to thi...
Pantone Colors
Use __pantone__ in your prompt to use this wildcard. You can download the txt file attached to th...
Marvel Heroes
Use __marvel-heroes__ in your prompt to use this wildcard. You can the marvel-heroes.txt attached...
Abstract paper art
Abstract paper art using wildcards in Fooocus. { "Prompt": "An abstract paper cut background ...
Fooocus Wildcards are Amazing! Here's How to Use Them
Here's a guide on how to use Fooocus wildcards. Video Written guide
Fantasy villages
Download the attached fantasy-villages.txt file and use the following prompt as an example. A fa...
Fantasy Structures
This wildcard list is ever growing! So be sure to check back for more updates! Download the struc...
Mid Shot Photos - OpenDalleV1.1
With all the hype about OpenDalle and how much "better it is than SDXL" I decided to do a model s...
Sneakers Inspired by Comic Heroes - Fooocus - DreamShaper XL Turbo
Here are some of the results from this model study set. This was done using the following workf...
Victorian Women from 1840 - turbovisionxlSuperFastXL
Here are a few examples from the model study set. This was done using the following workflow: S...
Red Head Man - turbovisionxlSuperFastXL
Here are a few examples from the model study set. This was done using the following workflow: S...
MRE Heroic Fantasy Image Set - dreamshaperXL_turbo
Here are some of the results from this model study set. This was done using the following workf...
Sasquatch behind a tree - turbovisionxlSuperFastXL
Here are some of the results from this model study set. This was done using the following workf...
Giant crystal growing in forest - dreamshaperXL_turbo
Here are some of the results from this model study set. This was done using the following workf...
Drepression - turbovisionxlSuperFastXL
Here are some of the results from this model study set. This was done using the following workf...
Boy and his pup - dreamshaperXL_turbo
Here are some of the results from this model study set. This was done using the following workf...
Furry winter animal hats
Prompt: candid photo of a 7 year old hispanic precious moment looking girl smiling wearing a cu...
Embroidered patches - DreamshaperXL Turbo
Embroidered patches. A embroidered patch of a vibrant cute creature. The patch is sitting on an ...